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PanTum (With Home Pickup) Blood Package Advanced( CBC + ESR, CRP, Ferritin + 5 more )
21,999 Indian rupees
₹3000 Special Offer Discount Applied.
₹3000 Special Offer Discount Applied.
₹3000 Special Offer Discount Applied.

Eligibility Criteria for individuals
Individuals who want to undergo PanTum Detect need to be in a healthy state to ensure highest blood sample quality. Eligibility criteria for undergoing PanTum® Detect blood test are as follows:

Cancer is usually detected in late stages
The human immune system is first to recognize the progression of disease, even before the onset of symptoms. EDIM® (Epitope Detection in Monocytes) technology makes the information contained in the human immune system visible for detection of cancer. Higher than normal levels of Apo10 (DNaseX) & TKTL1 detected in immune cells (macrophages) of screened individuals gives an indication of potential cancer and pre-cancer lesions in early and symptomless stages for healthy individuals.

Benefits of annual screening with PanTum Detect
Early detection plays a vital role in timely treatment of diseases.
Cancer can grow unnoticed in the body for years as a tumor remains locally confined before it develops into an invasive and aggressive form. By the time symptoms are noticeable, the disease has often progressed such that the chances of successful treatment and recovery are significantly reduced. The time of detection is therefore crucial for the success of treatment and survival; the earlier a tumor is detected, the higher the chances of effective treatment
and recovery. Within a twelve-month time span, most tumors in early stages are unlikely to develop into ‘aggressive and metastasizing’ cancer. When you test annually with PanTum Detect and an indication of tumor development is found, the last negative result is no more than a year old.

​Technology behind PanTum Test
Pantum test is a multi-tumor screening blood test that “filters” asymptomatic healthy individuals by screening for the presence of silently growing benign, premalignant or malignant tumors.
The test has an IVD CE certified sensitivity of 97.5% and a specificity of 99%. It uses EDIM® (Epitope Detection in Monocytes) technology to detect multi-tumor enzyme biomarkers Apo10 and TKTL1 in immune cells (macrophages) which are detectable in all phases of tumor development.
This revolutionary, thoroughly researched and scientifically proven technology leverages our innate immune system thus making it possible to detect tumors in early stages.
The ScanONCO program combines pre-testing with PanTum® Detect and confirmatory cancer detection diagnostics (advanced imaging techniques and diagnostic pathology) for those who test positive with PanTum® Detect into an integrated multi-tumor screening concept for “timely” detection of tumors.
How Does PanTum Detect Work?

TKTL1 provides an indication of switch towards invasive growth. TKTL1 regulates anaerobic glucose metabolism (Warburg effect) which is fermentation of glucose using the Pentose Phosphate Pathway resulting in the formation of lactic acid and breakdown of collagen matrix leading to metastasis

DNaseX (Apo10) provides indication of tumor proliferation. Elevated levels of DNaseX (Apo10) enzyme is the result of disruption of programmed cell death (Apoptosis) DNaseX (Apo10) is found in all tumor cells

EDIM® Technology detect these enzyme biomarkers in immune cells
Consumer Journey Powered by PanTum Test
Don’t wait for onset of symptoms, pre-book your test today

Result Interpretation

Stages of tumor & cancer development

Guidelines on testing positive with PanTum Detect

Why PanTum is better for early screening than CTC blood screening tests

PanTum® Detect is a simple blood test for indications of almost all types of cancer
PanTum® Detect has a high sensitivity of 97.5% (true positives) and specificity of 99% (true negatives) per IVD CE validation study.
PanTum® Detect is suitable for preventive health check and offers screened candidates protection from risk of delay in detection of almost all cancers.
Only those screened candidates who test positive with PanTum® Detect are exposed to standard protocols for early-stage cancer detection pathology & imaging/endoscopy diagnostics
Financial sponsors obtain documented evidence of lower exposure to cancer causing factors to avail adequate “group” health risk financial cover at lower insurance premiums
Annual screening increases the chance of detecting a silently growing tumor in early localized stage/s.
PanTum® Detect is not suitable for individuals with a compromised immune system which has an effect on circulating macrophage numbers.
No screening test provides a result that is 100% accurate or reliable.
As per IVD CE validation study:
Statistically 1 in 100 candidates screened will receive a false positive result (they don’t have the disease but test positive).
Statistically 2.5 in 100 candidates with disease will receive false negative result (they do have disease but test negative).
False results are a psychological strain for individuals that get screened with PanTum® Detect.